Level 12
Direct and
Indirect Speech
سندرسه في الثلاث
حالات : 1) Statements 2)
Questions 3) Commands
نقول ان التحويل من الdirect لل indirect يكون حسب الجدول الآتي :
Direct [Meena]
Present (simple, continuous)
Past (simple, continuous)
Will (H.K.)
Past simple or present
Past perfect
Would + infinitive(المصدر)
Would have + past participle
Fact (حقيقة أو واقع)
Stays the same (تبقى كما هي)
الكلمات يتم تغييرها أيضا من الdirect لل indirect كالآتي :
+ This – that / these – those / here – there /
now – then ( at that time ) / come – go, came-went, go – go, went-went / ago – before / today – that day /
tomorrow – the next day, the day after , the following day / yesterday – the
day before, the previous day / may – might . [Meena]
وبالنسبة للكلمات
الآتية تظل كما هي :
Must , might ,
could , would , should , ought
التالية توضح هذه القواعد (الأمثلة التالية مرتبة حسب ترتيب القواعد في الجدول
السابق) :
1) Statements (said to -- / told -- that)
1) Mark said to me, "I
am learning French" - direct
He told me that he was
learning French - indirect
2) He said to Mary, "I will come
He told Mary that he would go
the next day .
3) He said to me, "I finished my
He told me that he had finished his
work .
4) He said, "If I had the money , I
would buy a house" .
He said that if he had had the money he
would have bought a house .
5) When what is said is a fact, it remains
the same.
He said, "The triangle has 3
sides" (H.K.)
He said that the triangle has 3 sides .
2) Questions (said to -- / asked – if, asked --, wanted
to know )
Roushdy said, "What time do the banks close?"
He wanted to know what time the banks
John said to me, "Are you playing now?"
He asked me if I was (were)
playing at that time.
The policeman said to us, "Where are you going?"
He asked us where we were going
"Did you speak French?" He said to me.
He asked me if I had spoken French.
3) Commands (said to -- / ordered -- to ,
requested --to , asked -- to)
He said to me, "Go away"
He ordered me to go away [Meena]
He said to him, "Play the piano, please"
He requested him to play the
He said to them, "Don’t shut the door"
He asked them not to shut the
All the previous examples are
when what was said , was in the past (said to), but if the act is in the
present (say) or in the future (will say) , the sentence does not change .
Ex: 1) He says , "This work is
too difficult"
He says that this
work is too difficult. (H.K.)
2) He will
say, "This work is too difficult"
He will say that
this work is too difficult.
H.W. rewrite the following sentences in the
indirect form: [Meena]
1) They
said "We are students" /
2) He said "I'll be
playing football tomorrow" _____________________
3) She said "I've just
finished" _________________________________
4) we say "she is
beautiful" ___________________________________
5) you will say "He is
smart" __________________________________
6) They said to me "Are
you the English teacher?" __________________
7) I said to him "Go
away" ____________________________________
1) It is always
better to use the direct speech, than the indirect speech.
2) It's not
always necessary to change the verb when we change the direct into the indirect
speech (the reported speech) especially if we are reporting (saying) something
and we feel that it is still true or still happening : (H.K.)
Ex: Ahmed said
"I want to go to Egypt "
Ahmed said (that)
he wants (or wanted) to go to Egypt .
Zaki said "I
woke up feeling ill and so I stayed in bed"
Zaki said (that)
he woke (or had woken) up feeling ill and so he stayed (or had
stayed) in bed.
كلمات متشابهة
وتوضيح الفروق بينها في جمل :
H.W. (ضروري
محاولة وضع كل منهم في جملة أخرى)
Above / over : who live in the flat above you? / the lamp is over
the desk
Near / beside / next to : our house is near the sea / we sit beside
each others / our house is next to the bank. [Meena]
Below / under (underneath) : the temperature is below
freezing point / put it under the table (H.K.) [Meena]
In front of / opposite / before : behave in a better way
before the children / our house is opposite the bank / put matters before God
in prayers
Too / enough (too comes before the adjective but enough
comes after it) :
Magdy is too young to go to school
Magdy can't go to school this year because he is not old enough.
May / might : might
is the past of may , and sometimes it is used when there is less
possibility , and also for politeness .
Ex : Where is your brother today? he may be at work.
What is he doing now? He might be watching TV.
Should (ought to) / must : [Meena]
You should (ought to) do it المفروض (يستحسن)
You must do it لازم
Deed / work
/ job /
occupation /
career (مهنة
الحياة العملية للانسان) /profession
(مهنة الانسان التي درسهاأو
تدرب عليها):
Ex : repent of your evil deeds /
he wants to finish his work now / he wants to get a good fulltime
job / what is your occupation? I'm a doctor / he started his career 3
years ago / teaching is a profession.
Leave / stop / forsake (leave forever) / quit
(stop and leave) :
Ex : she left her book on the desk /
you must stop this loud noise /
they all forsook him after he had become poor / he quit smoking
Speak / talk :
Ex : do you speak English / speak good things / it is I who speak /
I'll not talk much with you because I have something to do / this is he
whom you need to talk to .
Like / as : (like is followed by a noun or a pronoun / as
is followed by subject + verb)
Ex : It is like the other one / like me (you, him, her,
it, us, them) / like this (that, these, those) / like someone (or
Write it as it is / just as I told you / stay as
you are / as usual / as you know.
NB. Sometimes we also put a noun after as : 1) when we talk about
someone's job, or 2) how we use something
Ex : 1) He worked as a bus driver. 2) This hotel was used as a hospital.
"A few" , "many" and "a lot of" are used with countable plural nouns
ex: she bought a few pens
"A little" , "much" and "a lot
of" are used with uncountable
ex : please , I need a little rest.
Things to know
in case علشان لو / in case of في حالة
After "in case" comes "subject + verb" , but after
"in case of" comes "noun"
--- He wears two watches in case one of
them stops.
We bought more food
in case they came.
We rang the bell
again in case they hadn't heard the first time.
--- In case of emergency , telephone this
الفرق بين while وبين during
After while comes "subject + verb" , but after
during comes "noun"
Ex: He ate while
he was watching TV.
He ate during
the film [Meena]
استخدامات بعض الكلمات :
استخدامات كلمة "need"
I need to rest. / I needed to rest / the
house needs cleaning
I don't need to rest / I didn't need to rest / the
house doesn't need cleaning [Meena]
I needn't rest / I needn't have rested (it wasn't necessary
but I rested) / the house needn't cleaning.
استخدامات كلمة "mind" :
Keep (bear, have) in mind to do it tomorrow
Keep (set) your mind on your work.
Turn (put) your mind to it.
She took her mind off her sorrow
Have you made up your mind yet? No, I'm still in two minds about it
He is out of his mind (he's mad)
I'm sorry , I broke the bottle .
Never (don't) mind, we'll get another one.
At the airport : I'd
like to check in for flight number 758 that is going to London / ok., may I have your ticket and
passport? / sure , here you are / thanks
, the boarding time is ten fifteen
, and here is your boarding pass / thank you .
The customs :
Which is your luggage ? / this is my luggage , two suitcases and a
handbag / have you anything to declare ? / yes I have a mobile phone and some
presents .
Ordering goods from a supermarket : Yes, please , I'd like some goods to be sent
to my home / sure sir , can I take your home address / yea, I live in 33
Rameses St. , second floor appartment # 4 / good , and what would you like? / I
need a bottle of milk , three kilos of rice , one coffee creamer medium size
and a bag of sugar .
Tourism : Where are you from ? / I'm
from Cairo , Egypt / oh, that's great, I'd love
to visit Egypt
sometime / you're very welcome, and you'll find good hospitality from all
Egyptians there
At the railway station : Can I help you? / yes please, I'd like a
ticket to Aswan
/ what day and time ? / next Monday at 7:00
am . (in the morning) / first or second class? / first class / ok.
here you are / thank you / you're very welcome. (H.K.)
At the doctor's clinic : Doctor , my
eyes hurt me much / how long have you had this? / for about a week now / don't
worry , let me see / they get red especially when I use the computer / I'll
give you eye drops , you should use it two times a day and everything will be
ok. / Thank you.
Comprehension : How to spend leisure time :
Leisure time can be useful or harmful. Among the useful things that
suits leisure time , to those who can read and like reading , is to read. It is
important to choose such a reading that is useful for building your personality
intellectually, spiritually and socially … .
Another method is listening, listen to your father and mother, to
friends, to cassette tapes and to the T.V., but in all this you should choose
useful things for you.
No objection at all to getting some entertainment , amusement, rest or
relaxation, for all these things are also useful and no one can continuously
concentrate, be serious, or be in tension all the time.
To summarize the whole matter , everything can be useful to me if I do
it the right way, in the right place and in the best time.
Is there a problem of getting some rest? ___________________________
What is useful for us? _________________________________________
Is reading useful to everyone? ___________________________________
About: How can we, easily, learn and be excellent at
1) Write a dialogue
between you and one or more of your friends (at least 7 lines). 2) Write an essay (at least 10
Speaking English : [Meena] Now , after you have studied this book by
heart and have memorized everything in it , can you speak , read and write
English good? / yes, sure , not only good but very good , now
I'm excellent and brilliant at English / could you make up your own conversations as
you need in your daily life? / of course
/ will you help others learning English?
/ sure, I will / will
you do this honestly / Yes, I promise to do it honestly , so that
God may also help me when I'm in need /
very good , you are a good person , may God be with you / and also with you sir
/ thank you / thank you sir very much

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